Branding: Customization and Domain Masking
There is something undeniably powerful about branding that gets us excited and engaged. Today, we launch some really fun features, enabling you to fully brand your Repository Hosting account and projects.

Custom Colors and Logos
You can now specify custom colors and an optional logo for each of your projects as well as your account as a whole. If you modify the look of your account, all projects within your account will adopt the same changes by default. However, each individual project can also override these account defaults with their own logos or custom colors.
Domain Masking
Another feature that many of you have requested is the ability to mask your account behind your own domain names. This is now possible for both your account and for individual projects. For example, your account can now reside at a domain similar to the following:
A domain specified at the account level will be used by the entire account by default. However, specifying and visiting a domain at the project level automatically redirects the user to the project's Trac instance, conveniently skipping over the Account Dashboard.
Setting up domain masking is easy. You need only to provide Repository Hosting with your desired domain(s) as well as make some small changes to your DNS (create a new CNAME record).
How do I get started?
All of the options and detailed instructions for both interface customization and domain masking can be found under the Branding section of account and project settings pages.
We hope you enjoy these updates. Let the branding begin!