Repository Hosting

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VCS Hosting

Blogs, Tags, and Custom Ticket Fields

16 апреля 2011 01:00 | Добавлено в Новые Возможности, Плагины

Today we are releasing our third round of plugins, which will add support for a project blog, tagging, and the ability to create new ticket fields. This completes our month of new plugins, and we see that already many of you are taking advantage of the new features. If there is a Trac plugin you would like to use that we don't yet support, just let us know, and we will add it to our list for a future release.

Project Blog

Keep your clients or co-workers up-to-date with a project blog. This plugin adds support for blog posts with comments, along with various ways to browse your archive of posts. You can also add attachments to your posts, and use macros to add blog information to your wiki pages.


This plugin allows you to categorize all your tickets, wiki pages, blog entries, and forums by tagging them. Don't want to enter tags for all your old tickets? Don't worry, this plugin will automatically take the Keywords field from tickets (and the Category field from blog posts) and turn them into tags. It also adds a new Tags tab in Trac with a tag cloud that lets you browse your tagged items.

Custom Ticket Fields

We know from your feedback that many of you would like to add custom fields to your tickets, and this plugin will let you do just that. Fields may use one of a number of input methods, including textboxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown lists, and textareas.


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