Repository Hosting

Repository Hosting: Unlimited Subversion, Git, Mercurial, and Trac Projects

VCS Hosting

One Year of Repository Hosting

2010-01-28 00:25 | Posted in General

It has been one year since we launched Repository Hosting to fight the injustice of overpriced and unreliable hosting, and in that time we have seen many people come join our band of renegades. We believe that many of you share our frustration with the other hosting services out there, and we have enjoyed developing a service that is simple and reliable in contrast. After launching Repository Hosting last year, we immediately started enhancing our service with powerful new features. We have had the opportunity to talk with many of you and listen to your feedback, and we know that many of you have enjoyed using Repository Hosting as much as we have creating it.

How far we've come

We believe strongly that our customers should not be charged more for additional features that cost us nothing. This is the basis of our motto One Plan, One Price; we will never nickel and dime you, no matter how many features we add. Over the last year we listened to your feedback and have strived to build Repository Hosting into a service that is powerful, simple, and enjoyable. Some of the features we have been busy adding include:

Our Goals for the next year

We have big plans for this year. We are continuing to add the serious features you expect from a repository hosting service, only at our simpler, fairer pricing model. We don't want to give anything away too early, but there are some big features coming out soon. Ok, here's one hint: Mercurial.

One thing we would like to improve this year is our communication with you, our customers. That means more frequent blog posts and tweets (@rephosting). It also means better updates to our status page, as there were a few instances this past year where the page was not updated when we had an issue. We are also looking into other methods for improving communication between us and our customers.

We learned this year that our customer base is extremely diverse, as we have customers from all over the world. One of our goals is to make Repository Hosting the most international friendly hosting service. Our plans include data centers in new locations and support for additional languages. If there is a language you would really like to see offered, please let us know, if you haven't already.

As always, we are here to serve you, so let us know if you have any feedback on our services, or if you have any suggestions for new features. Thank you for a great first year.

The Renegades at
Repository Hosting


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